Agility Impact Community Meetup June


Following our popular webinar on “Beyond Greenwashing: Tech’s Road to Energy Sustainability”, our co-founder Ben Dodd is joining this exciting community as a panel member.

June's meet-up will be the chance for us to gather once again to connect over our passion for making an impact. We have invited several amazing people to be a part of a panel event talking about Sustainability, Software Development and Business!


About the vision of the Agility Impact Community

The vision of Agility Impact is to make small steps of action towards planetary challenges locally so we can create hope globally. A very aspiring vision that passionate Agilists support. Here are some of the ways this community can bring this vision to life:

  • Inspire action and compassion through stories of how agility impacted wicked (gnarly) problems of our planet,

  • Share practices and experiments so that we can learn from each other,

  • Identify and share projects where we can support each other succeed and learn,

  • Make visible all the great impact we are making across the globe.