We're more than technologists

We’re not just focused on technology.

We know that high-performing teams and organisations rely on a combination of technologies, tools, processes, services, teams and individuals.


We provide support across all of these areas.


We’re not interested in building an empire in your business

We provide intensive uplift programmes that support the achievement of strategic outcomes.


We don’t bodyshop

We believe that embedding expertise is more powerful than augmenting resources. Our consultants are experienced engineering consultants; as comfortable pairing up to write lines of code as they are presenting to executives.


We don’t build ‘stuff’ and then ‘chuck it over the fence’

We build with our clients, not for them.


We don’t use audits as a stick to beat people with

We believe in the power of measuring the right things to drive positive change.


We’re not just about the here and now

We believe in delivering business outcomes now whilst improving the capabilities of in-house teams to achieve sustainable acceleration on their own in the future.

“We've learned that uncertainty is not something to be feared, it’s something to be explored. Because exploring uncertainty together brings us to understand ourselves and our organisations better.
Being open about what we do, and how we do it, with our users, partners and consumers helps us to travel the same road to certainty.
This builds trust, and trust lasts longer than contracts.”

Fliss Bennée, Deputy Director, Technology & Digital, Welsh Government

Talk to us about how we can help you to supercharge your engineering culture