Platform as a Product Meetup


Armakuni on stage, talking with passion about the world we love!

Talk 3 - Unleashing Success: The Power of Product Mindset & Customer-Centricity in Platform as a Product (Zenon HannickFaye Benfield)

Far too often, platform teams get lost in the technical maze, obsessing over implementation details. The 'build it and they will come' mindset prevails, often to the detriment of the end user. Neglecting customer needs and overlooking the primacy of end users can turn internal platforms into, at best, reluctantly accepted tools and, at worst, unused white elephants.

Join Zenon and Faye as they guide you through their journey of instilling a Product Mindset and customer-centric thinking during a transformative internal platform project for a financial services company. Using an enabling team model, they catalysed cultural and behavioural shifts that transformed user interactions and stakeholder engagement.

The result? A surge in adoption, thrilled customers, and remarkable return on investment. Get ready to discover the keys to platform success, where the end user takes centre stage, and the impact is nothing short of extraordinary.